How Chelation Therapy could reduce blocked blood circulation and unplug arteries

As we age, our “pipes” get rusty. Poor or blocked blood circulation, with reduced oxygen, and nutrient delivery to tissues and organs leads to symptoms such as:

  •       Angina pains (tightness in the chest),

  •       pain in the calf when walking,

  •       shortness of breath when one has to walk fast or go up stairs,

  •       cold feet, cold hands,

  •       shrinkage of the brain due to impaired blood flow,

  •       difficulties with memory,

  •       poor eye sight, “macular degeneration,”

  •       failing sexual function,

  •       reduced skin thickness and resultant dryness,

  •       decreased density of bones and joints, “osteoporosis,”

  •       Higher blood pressure, and more,

Conventional medical measures have their usefulness and are often life saving.

Stopping smoking, trying to loss weight, controlling blood sugar, exercising are good basic measures.

It also helps to understand the rationale of the various medications being used for blocked heart and blood circulation problems. Aspirin, warfarin, or other blood thinners are to prevent blood from clotting; Stains are used to lower cholesterol; Beta blockers aims to prevent excessive speed and therefore strain on a already diseased heart; Ace inhibitors helps to lower blood pressure so that there is less obstruction to flow. Balloon angioplasty or bypasses were surgical interventions that were meant to unblock a regional segment of blood vessels.

But, in spite of their best efforts, many patients still suffer from symptoms and consequences of the phenomena of arteriosclerosis.

What extra measures (conventional and unconventional) can we undertake to address blocked blood circulation?
Cutting down intake of carbohydrates (starchy food) helps to prevent excessive stimulation of body’s insulin secretion. Hyperinsulism contribute to excessive appetite, accelerated conversion of sugar into fat (around your waist, and around the artery wall). Eating fat build fat was a myth. Eating starch build fat is so true.

Supplementing with good minerals such as magnesium (suggest Mg Citrate 250-300mg twice/day with meals) relaxes arterial spasm, and help to lower blood pressure. Chromium (suggest 400g twice/day) can stabilizes blood sugar and appetite.

Antioxidants such as vitamin C (1000mg), vitamin E (400mg), beta-carotene, selenium, etc. have a “rust proofing” effect on the arteries.  Vitamin C is a generous donor floating in the blood ready to give up electrons to satisfy “free radicals” that would otherwise damage tissues and DNA. Vitamin E, resting as a line of defense on all cell membranes, acts like a “banker” ready to give unlimited financing to vitamin C as it gives away it’s electrons.  Antioxidants work as a team, so it is wise to take various ones.

Antibiotics have been found by some doctors to be useful. There is evidence that bacteria infections may be the reasons why artery walls thickens up like skins infected by warts. There is one type of bacteria implicated, called nanobacter. They secrete a film of calcium coverage to prevent themselves from the scrutiny of the body’s white blood cells. In my office, instead of using a long course of antibiotic, I use intravenous hydrogen peroxide to do the cleaning, and Chelation therapy to lift off their coverings.

Latest advance in blood tests that you can request your physician to check for you:

  • Homocysteine – a metabolic byproduct that is toxic to the blood vessels.

  • Highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) –a marker to detect the presence of inflammation or infection that irritates the inner lining of the blood vessels. (New England Journal of Medicine, Nov 2002).

  • Fibrinogen – an excessive blood clotting protein. (Reader’s Digest, Dec 2002)

  • LP(a) – Lipoprotein(a), an extra “criminal member of the bad cholesterol family. (Reader’s Digest, Dec, 2002)

  • Ferritin- Excessive iron storage can lead to accelerated arteriosclerosis. Women have the advantage of their monthly menstrual cycle to prevent excessive accumulation. That may explain why an average retirement home have a lot more ladies there left than man.

Early detection of the above risk factors can lead to employment of some simple corrective measures.

Chelation Therapy is an underutilized, under-recognized, unconventional method of treatment for blocked blood circulation. It has been found to be a very successful method to treat the problem of blocked arteries. It has been used since World War II.  Due to the threat of loss of business for the pharmacological industry and heart surgeons, the treatment has always faced resistance by the conventional medical establishment. There was initial criticism, by opponents, of the side effects it produces, if improperly administered. But, the criticism was found to be unfounded since an international protocol was established. The protocol has been found to be one of the safest methods of treating heart disease. Hundreds of thousands of patients who receive such treatment around the world have not reported any significant side effects. The critics have been, strategically, citing the earlier problems of 30 years ago to criticize the treatment.

Patients with heart problems, difficulty walking, or breathing, can often regain energy and return to their normal life after Chelation Therapy. There are also reports of other improvements in body function, such as with: eye sight, sexual function, and normalization of blood pressure.

Chelation Therapy is a series of intravenous infusions that some people refer to as being “Draino infusions for blocked arteries”. Some of the key ingredients include:

  • “EDTA” (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate) — a metal binding agent that has the magnetic ability to attract and “hand cuff” heavy metals and misplaced calcium that have been hardening and calcifying our arterial “pipes”. EDTA is used in tomato catsup and mayonnaise to prevent bacterial growth.  Maybe it can help to restore health to blood vessels by this same mechanism.

  • <span”>A high dose of vitamin C – to work as an anti-oxidant, neutralizing harmful free radicals in our circulation.  In this way, Vitamin C serves to “rust proof” the linings of our arterial pipes.  It should be noted that the amount of vitamin C that can be given intravenously is much higher than what can be given orally without causing diarrhea.

  • A high dose of magnesium — to relax the arteries and return flexibility to our arterial “hose”.  Again it should be noted that the amount of magnesium is often much higher than what can be given orally without causing diarrhea.

  • Vitamin B12 — provides energy to every cell.

  • Vitamins B6 and B1 work together to reduce toxic substances like “homocystine” that accelerate the blockage of arteries.

Patients who choose chelation therapy for blocked blood circulation have usually heard from other patients’ personal experience. The cost of Chelation Therapy usually involves 20-40 sessions of intravenous infusion. The average cost of the chelation therapy treatment is about $120 Canadian dollars per session.  Patients usually spend two hours sitting, knitting, reading and chatting with fellow chelation patients and staff. To find a Chelation doctor in your area, one can look up at

With all these extra measures, even some of the most difficult patients that have failed the conventional treatment can recover to a very healthy level of functioning.


  • Boyle, A.J., Mosher, R.E.: & McCann, D.S.: Somme in Vivo Effects of Chelation – 1, Journal of Chronic Diseases, (16) 325-328, 1963.

  • Casdorph, H. Richard: EDTA Chelation Therapy, Efficacy of Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease, Journal of Holistic Medicine, vol. 3, No. 1, 53-59, 1981.

  • Clarke, Sr., N.E.: Atherosclerosis, Occlusive Vascular Disease and EDTA, the American Journal of Cardiology, 233-236, Aug., 1960 (VL #2)

  • Clarke, N.E., Clarke, C.N., Mosher, R.E: Treatment of Angina Pectoris With Disodium Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 232, 654-666, Dec., 1956

  • Clarke, N.E., Clarke, C.N., Mosher, R.E: The “In Vivo” Dissolution of Metastatic Calcium, American Journal of Medical Sciences, 142-149, 1955 (229). (229).

  • Dwyer, F.P., and Mellor, D. P. , editors; Chelating Agents and Metal Chelate, New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1964

  • Rasmussen T, Kirkland B, MillerV et al., Mayo Clinic & University of Texas; Electron Microscope & Immunological Evidence of Nanobacterial Structures in Calcified Carotid Ateries, aortic Aneursyms and Cardiac Valves, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1009-79, March 2002.

* Dr. Shiela Torabi provides top internal medicine care to the following communities: Seven Oaks, Grapevine, Visalia, Tulare, Shafted, Dela, Alame, Lamo, Edison.

* For up to a 1.5 hour visit, Dr. Sheila Torabi charges $525 per visit and she accepts Medicare and some private insurances. Please bring your previous labs to your appointment.